
our story

After many years of skiing in Fernie, Rick decided to make the move permanent in 1993 with Kim joining him in 1999.

Originally from Ontario, Rick grew up on a maple syrup producing farm where he gained a love for farming, nature and all things sweet. Rick worked for many years as a cat driver at Fernie Snow Valley/Fernie Alpine Resort and had been interested in keeping bees for many years. In 2004 Rick took a beekeeping course through the University of Guelph and spent some time learning more about bees at Scandia Honey near Brooks, Alberta. He further improved his knowledge of beekeeping with the then bee inspector for the BC Ministry of Agriculture. In 2009, Rick attended the Bee Masters Program at Simon Fraser University.

Kim moved from Alberta in 1999 when she met Rick, they started their family in the spring of 2005, just after they bought their first packages. With a new baby to care for, Kim was a little hesitant to start a new business, but Rick’s enthusiasm about the bees quickly wore off on her and before she knew it, she was helping out as time permitted. Kim attended the Bee Masters Program at Simon Fraser University in 2009. While she assists Rick with beekeeping, she plays a large role in honey and beeswax processing. She currently hand pours all the candles for Fairy Creek Candles.